Snowflakes and ripples
There is a great blog post from Seth Godin, a marketing guru who has been the unexpected source for a lot of really incredible musings lately. I almost can’t figure out which one to post here, because so many have been so good.
The one that particularly caught my eye is the one about drips and thunderclaps.
See any snowflakes? There are a few.
Since the Women’s March on January 21, I’ve been steadily dripping away. I make my phone calls every single day, some spurred by actions texted to me from, others from a general sense of unease or abject terror. There are days when I feel this is making a difference, like the day I earned the cell number of my reprehensible representative’s chief of staff with the admonition to “call or text any time.” The couple of times I have used the number, he’s responded before the end of the day.
There are days when I feel this makes absolutely no difference at all. If I’m honest with myself, it feels like that’s most days. My two senators are Democrats, basically in lockstep with me in terms of beliefs, or at least in terms of taking the actions I wish everyone would take. My representative is a total Trump wanna be, tweeting such gems as “America is not a democracy” in response to a constituent’s question and calling other constituents liars.
Screenshot of a twitter conversation between a constituent and the illustrious rep for district 5.
It’s hard not to feel like I have been living a lie for the past 47 years, that the America I believed in and loved with all my heart was a sham.
But then I look at nights like last Tuesday night, when my friend Michelle organized a soup dinner to benefit one of the many refugee organizations in town. Her goal was $5000. As of right now, the total amount raised is well in excess of $15,000. I think of the number of people who are calling, marching, protesting, running for office, and generally being far more engaged in this political process that is, at its core, democracy in action.
I’m reminded that ripples spread out from the center, expanding as they go. That snowflakes pile up to become something magnificent and important. And that drips of water, over time, eventually carve out monuments in the earth.
Ripples matter. Be a pebble.
See any snowflakes now? (picture taken less than 24 hours after the first one)