Blistered peppers - a Tasty Thursday story
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, lived a woman who loved to go to the farmers' market in Charlottesville. On bright sunny days, on dismal dreary days, she'd go with high expectations, canvas bag slung over her shoulder in anticipation of finds savory and unusual.
The market never failed to deliver. One day she came upon a stall where the proprietor was frying green things on a single-burner propane cooktop. "Shishito peppers!" came the prompt reply when curiosity overcame the Saturday shopper. "Try one!"
Shishito peppers in the raw state
This invitation is rarely refused.
And a new love was found.
If you've only ever had peppers as part of a finished dish, or as a bright spot on a raw veggie platter, this new way of serving (and eating) them is a revelation. Crazy up your crudités; you won't be sorry!
in the blistered state
baby peppers (Shishito are fine, but so are the bags of baby peppers you can find. Make sure they are MILD peppers!!!)
Oil for frying
1. Wash peppers and dry WELL (if you leave water on them, the popping and spitting as they hit the oil will be dangerous. Don't do it.)
2. Heat oil in a heavy pan until shimmering.
3. Fry the peppers in a single layer, turning as necessary until they are blistered all over. Remove to a paper-towel clad plate and salt.
4. Enjoy hot or cold, with a dipping sauce or not! YUM!!!