Farewell (for now, anyway) Rounds
It feels a bit like we’ve had a solid 3 weeks of saying goodbye to people. Yes, we’ve taken our boat and headed off to points warmer in the past, but this one hits a bit different. Maybe it’s because our sights are set on further points than ever before, or maybe it’s because it’s very possible that Calypso won’t be back in this part of the world again. Who knows. It has, however, been a very very cup-filling time as we gather with friends. We are very, very lucky indeed!
(Note: I’m missing some photos. I’ll try to track them down and update this blog!)
Annapolis sunset
In Annapolis it was lunch with Mindy and Ron from Follow Me, who we met in Dominica when their sundowner gathering expanded to include us. They’ve hung up the water cruising life in exchange for a land cruising one.
Mindy and Ron with me and Jeremy. You can just FEEL the vibe!
Lunch with Kelly and Chris from Fayaway, who we met through mutual friends in St Martin when we traipsed all over town searching for the best rum and cookies.
Lunch (for me) with Behan from Totem, and Amanda Warren who runs Yacht Canvas in Annapolis.
Amanda, me, and Behan
Dinner with Christine and Mick from Juno, who we met through mutual friends in Deltaville and have enjoyed countless beers in one cockpit or another - or in folding chairs at one boatyard or another.
Dinner with Carolyn and Dave (The Boat Galley, formerly of Barefoot Gal), Behan and Jamie from Totem, John from Ave Del Mar, Larry from Catriona, and Claudia from Happiness.
Three musketeers in Annapolis. Not sure how I’ll deal with not seeing these 2 next fall.
Dinner with The Boat Galley crew after booth set up, including Lin and David (Sahula), Katherine and Andres, Kimberly (AllyCat), Laura, Carolyn and Dave, Larry, Ann and Greg (Halekai).
Me with Ann from Halekai
Dinner with Alison and David (Wahoo), Caroline and Duncan (Headquarters), and Brian, Nicolas, Danielle, and AiTai. We’ve known Alison and David since college!
Dinner with the Salty Dawgs, with special time with our buddies Ellen and Alex (Compass Rose)
Dinner with Karen and John (Indulgence) - who we met at the Oyster Roast at Fishing Bay Yacht Club one November afternoon a long time ago and have been friends ever since.
John and Karen, Jeremy and me
Dinner with Denise and Mark (Cara), with a side bonus of additional time with Behan and Jamie who joined us for drinks. We met Denise and Mark through the Totems and really bonded over shared anchorages in New England in late summer 2021.
Denise and Behan!
Breakfast on board Voila, with Loren and Herve. We were introduced (on Instagram, no less) by friends from Sail Caribbean days and after many conversations on social media were thrilled to spend some time getting to know them.
Breakfast on board Ghostlight, the most beautiful Pacific Seacraft 34 I’ve ever seen, caretaken with much evident love and skill by Dani and Nick. We met these 2 amazing people last winter when we were on Mischief and had such fun reconnecting. Getting photos of both our boats “in the wild” from them was an extra treat.
Nick and Dani with Jeremy
Once we tore ourselves away from Annapolis, it was time for the Deltaville round.
Deltaville sunset
Our friends Karen (Soulemate) and Alison organized a fabulous farewell party for us, hosted at our old yacht club (Fishing Bay Yacht Club). We were touched by the gesture and the turnout, which included friends we’ve known for years and also newer buddies (see Fayaway!). In true cruiser (and FBYC) fashion, invitees included some new arrivals to the anchorage.
Many of the well-wishers at FBYC <3
We spent the rest of that weekend, in between boat projects and sorting stuff, sharing meals with Alison and David, enjoying an afternoon sail/motor with MJ and Mike (MooHoo).
MJ, Alison, and me on MooHoo
Duncan, Mike, David, and Jeremy on MooHoo
Dinner with Cabell and Tom, Charlottesville friends who we’ve known since college days. We rented a little cottage on Tom’s farm when we first returned from cruising in the 1990s - that cottage was where we lived with baby Julian before buying our house. Cabell and Tom drove over and spent the night at the Tides; it was there that we met for dinner.
Finally, we actually hosted a few groups on board Calypso. One night Rochelle and Tim from Blue Moon, who we met in the boatyard in Pasadena last summer (oh boy was it only last summer???) and Loren and Herve (Voila) came aboard, and our almost-last night in Deltaville we hosted Karen and John (Indulgence) and Jerry Latell. Our boat may not have the largest cockpit in the world but it’s all cozy down below!
me, Tim, Rochelle, Loren, Herve, and Jeremy
John, Karen, Jerry, me, and Jeremy
Cruising has given us lots, and the wealth of friendships is a major bonus. Lucky, lucky us.
photo courtesy Loren from Voila
Much love to all, to those we managed to catch up with and those we didn’t. We’ll catch you next time!