2021 Recap and Looking to 2022
2021 Recap:
January: Jeremy retired. Or maybe it’s more accurate to say he traded a paying job for a non-paying one? There’s a lot more love in the boat work for sure. Boat projects ran the gamut of hatch rebuild to galley details to mast ordering. Whew.
February: Jeremy’s birthday. Pulled the old mast out of the boat. Lots of interior painting. Rudder work began.
Organizing pulling the old mast.
March: Rudder work continued. Galley dry fitting began. Got rid of the old AC unit. The new mast arrived! We got our first round of Covid vaccines! (March was a month of exclamation points.)
April: Road trip to Texas to see Jeremy’s mom. Moved aboard!!! Second Covid vaccine in the books. Stepped new mast.
Relaxing by the pool
May: Thru hull fitting, windlass fitting, battery fitting. Lots of sanding and prepping for paint on the bowsprit and boomkin. Rudder work continued. Road trip to Vermont.
June: Nica’s birthday. Boomkin installation. Bowsprit installation. New hailing port on transom. Windvane work started.
New hailing port!
July: Propane box installation. Windvane installation. WE BOUGHT ANOTHER BOAT. Splash Calypso! Scramble to get things done like interior lighting, head install, fuel bulkhead.
August: Leave dock on August 9. Install solar panels while at anchor in the Corsica River. Are reminded of the powers of weather along the Jersey coast, then again with running west in Long Island Sound from Hurricane Henri. Bonus time with Zach and Amy and family during Henri.
September: Realize we’re not making it to Maine. Focus on enjoying where we are. Fall in love with Rhode Island and Naragansett Bay sailing. Finally discover Block Island. Sail south through New York City. Back in the Chesapeake Bay. (note - holy moly this was a busy month!)
Bucket list!
October: Annapolis boat show time. Socialize more in the 3 weeks we’re in Annapolis than we have over the past year combined. Sail a huge boat and realize we love our small boat.
November: Haul boat out. Pull mast. Get boat inside shed. Move to temporary land digs. Get Covid boosters. Thanksgiving with family (ahhhhh).
Family Thanksgiving 2021
December: Cranking on boat work. Road trip to Texas for Christmas. New Year’s plans derailed by Covid. Ready for 2022.
Looking ahead to 2022:
Summer in the north. Maine? Canada?
Julian comes back in late July. Family reunion of sorts in Vermont in August.
Hoping for winter in the islands. Will see!
Looking forward to this kind of scenery in 2022