Hidden in Plain Sight
Alternate title: double duty decor!
Lacking throw pillows and being reluctant to buy any sight-unseen from the internet, we’ve been pilfering our bed pillows when lounging on the settee in the evenings. A recent trip to Averill included a stop on the Eastern Shore of Maryland to see good friends for the first time in a year and a half; it also took us straight by IKEA.
In we went. (Ah the joys of being fully vaccinated!) We were searching for lighting for the boat and added throw pillows and storage containers to the list as we drove. Lighting was a bust, but we did come home with 5 throw pillow covers (3 inserts) and 2 different size containers to try.
Yes, 5 covers and only 3 inserts. We figured we could mix it up if we got bored. 3 cushions and 2 delighted backs later, we lamented that we’d only bought 3 inserts.
new cushions!
And then. I was folding up our fleece blanket, the one we use as the secondary when it’s cold out, wondering where to stow it away, and inspiration struck. Out came one of the unused covers and in went the folded-just-so blanket. TAAAAA DAAAAAA! Another comfy place for tired backs!
It was so successful, I used the last pillow cover to stuff in our fleeces, my slippers, and Jeremy’s favorite Good Old Boat beanie. If it gets chilly again, we can unearth those goodies in no time flat. Okay, so this one is a bit lumpier to look at. It’s way comfier than you might think!
I’m sure I’ve read this tip before, but somehow in my head you needed to sew your own pillow cover for this to work. Since I’m apt to poke holes in my fingers before I could create anything functional with a sewing machine, that idea went out the window. Maybe it’s that I’ve not seen pillow covers for sale separate from the cushion? Or if I did, I chalked it up to a corporation being too cheap to supply the inserts and WHERE are you expected to buy just the insides of cushions/throw pillows anyway?
We now have throw cushions, 5 of them. No extra blanket to move on and off the bed. More storage space in our clothes locker. I call this a win in the inspiration/small boat decor column.