How to Deal With All the Pluggables
Life has become a series of devices. Whether you’re on a boat or on land, even - the electronic “stuff” that requires a USB plug to keep it happily juiced up is a little mind-boggling.
You’ve got multiple GPS/chart plotter options. The ubiquitous phones. An ipad or two (or three) for backup navigation. Maybe a kindle or two. Each of these items, of course, needs to be charged. I don’t know about your boat, but Calypso doesn’t have a great place to serve as a charging hub.
Duck duck goose
One of the tweaks we’ll build in once we get back to the boat to finish up essential projects will definitely be some standard, handy place to charge all our devices - and this cool gadget (or one like it) is likely to feature prominently.
Multiple USB outlets! Yay!
It’s a power strip for USB cords. Instead of needing 6 different charging bricks, taking up 6 different outlets (which, by the way, we have 4 of in total on Calypso; this is another thing that’s likely to be tweaked), we need ONE outlet.
You do need to buy the charging cords separately - and I highly advise getting spares while you’re at it; the cords do wear out and even get lost occasionally. I also love having charging cords of different lengths to accommodate those moments when you critically need a device that also needs to be plugged in while being used. Make sure your charging cords are rated to work with your device!
Though we’re not on the boat (yet), this super charger has been a life-saver in more ways than one. It comes with us on every single trip, gets plugged in next to Jeremy’s bed, and most evenings has a couple of phones, a couple of ipads, and at least one other device charging merrily away.
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