April Photo of the Month
As you might expect, April was fairly busy.
We drove to Vermont.
Ice still on the lake.
We spent 2 glorious weekends in a row working on the boat, making progress both in terms of building things up as well as ripping things (the galley!) out.
Goodbye old ice box!
Bee made a decision about college for the fall!
Bennington College, class of 2023!
And I went up to Annapolis to teach at Cruisers University. Getting to see friends and spend 5 days steeped in cruiser conversation is a balm to my soul. I love meeting new people and helping them answer some questions about cruising; I also adore teaching people who really want to learn. I’ll be teaching again at the fall boat show - is it October yet?
Oh! Right before I went up to Annapolis, we had a last-minute visit from cruiser friends we met in the Bahamas back in 1994. Karl and Pat, from Ishmael, had just sold their boat and were driving north from Florida to Canada; we were a handy spot to crash for the night. Our friendship with them is one thing I absolutely, unequivocally, adore about the cruising community: we can be apart for a long time and when we reunite it’s as if we’d last shared an anchorage the day before. (Okay, with a few more grey hairs in the mix.)
Ishmael and Calypso, together again.
Forward progress. It happens in all kinds of ways.
Looking good!!!