
Thursday, January 22! IMG_9327

The biggest food Sunday of the year in the US is coming up in about 10 days, and though I’m not usually a proponent of eating this way, it’s fun every now and then to just eat crunchy chips oozing with cheese. So this week’s Tasty Thursday is NACHOS!!!

The thing is, this food thing for me is a lifestyle. It’s not a diet, filled with “ooh don’t eat that” or “eat every bite of kale in the world every day.” It’s not a limited-time engagement, where I deprive myself of favorite foods for a while then go gorge on them. It’s a way of LIVING, and for me, sometimes, that living includes this kind of “indulgence.”

Will I eat the whole pan? No. Will I enjoy every bite? Yes.

Here’s the other thing – I know what’s in my nachos. I make them with plain tortilla chips (no Doritos, thanks) and Vermont cheddar cheese (no CheezWhiz “processed cheese food”) and other toppings that I make.

And my family loves them. And they’re easy. And delicious.

Go football team. Whichever one you’re rooting for.


  • Chips
  • Cheese (I do a combination of cheddar and Monterey jack)
  • Other toppings as you want/see fit/have on hand (taco meat, olives, beans, refried beans)
  • Sour cream and salsa and jalapenos


  • In a large baking pan, spread out the tortilla chips. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Top with other toppings but NOT the sour cream, salsa, or peppers!
  • Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and beginning to brown.
  • Remove from oven and dot sour cream, salsa, and any peppers on top. Serve with napkins and extra salsa!