Week recap with Move, Nourish, Believe

Week’s recap with the Move, Nourish, Believe challenge

It’s a rainy/sleety cold day in Williamsburg, Virginia, where I am with a group of giggly middle school girls for a Model UN conference that almost didn’t get to happen due to the 20 inches of snow that fell on Charlottesville between Wednesday night and Friday morning. I’ve got some heavy editing to finish up, so of course I want to procrastinate hard and write this blog instead of do that.

This week in the challenge was the NOURISH part. This is a place I feel I do pretty well, normally, although this week wasn’t great. Especially on the day I was food journaling (not a regular practice in my world.) And though I understand the philosophy behind going raw, I’m not a real believer in it. Still, I did that day.

What have I learned? 1) It’s easier to fall back on tried-and-true when life feels busy. Finding more easy, vegetarian, raw (maybe) tried-and-true recipes would be a good thing for me to do. 2) Again, pretty plates feed me better than less attractive ones. I’m not an artist, and I find food presentation hard – but even adding more color to my plate brightens up my day in ways I can’t understand.

Nourish yourself!!!

Monday: meatless Monday


Tuesday: Take your lunch to work day. (I work from home. Lunch most days is leftovers. This is easy easy easy. Even when I make a soup!)


Wednesday: Journaling my food. Started bad and got worse. Oh well. We were gearing up for a massive snowstorm, and my day pretty much was spent in the car. Back forth back forth back forth. Ugh.


Thursday: Smoothies. Again, simple. I drink a shakeology shake every single day, so that took no effort at all.


Friday: Go RAW. Eh. Not my favorite, especially when it’s cold and snowy outside. And I have to shovel shovel shovel to even get my car out. Thank goodness for a kind Good Samaritan who raked my driveway with the back end of his tractor.


Next week is “believe.” Should be interesting!