Week recap!

I am loving my online accountability groups. The ones I’m in for coaching, the ones I’m running for my customers. The ones other people invited me to. I get a kick out of being motivated and pushed to do better, in whatever capability it is.

A friend invited me to take part in the  Move, Nourish, Believe challenge for the month of February. This involves daily (weekday, as far as I can tell) assignments, with an associated picture and post to be done, with certain hashtags or @links. So far so good – and I need to recap last week.

1)   Monday we needed to do a workout. Fine. I was on the last few days of the Ultimate Reset, so I did a Tai Cheng gentle stretching video and posted this picture.


2)   Tuesday was to sweat in a new way, with the emphasis on a workout from the website. So I picked one (Summer Travel) and did my exercises. Mixing things up is always a good idea! (and yes, I did Tai Cheng as well) Image

3)   Wednesday we were to plank for 5 minutes. Yes, spread out if we needed to. I banged out my 5 minute plank in one-minute increments. Ow.


4)   Thursday we sweated with a friend. Since I do weekly Fit Club meetings on Thursdays, this was a piece of cake.Image

5)   Friday. Well. Geez. I forgot to post a pic on Friday, thinking it was only the blog post recapping our week. I’ll do that now.


I love mixing it up. This challenge is a ton of fun to follow the hashtags, and to connect with other people doing the same kind of thing for our bodies. You can join in the mix too! Just let me know - follow me on IG (@nicawaters) and we'll go from there!