How to boil water

It’s the almost classic joke, right? “I can’t even boil water!” someone protests when asked if he or she can cook.

And when I put this video together, I realized that there are actually a lot of steps we take for granted. Like filling the pot before you start the stove. Or putting a water-filled pot on the burner as opposed to an empty pot. Matching burner and pot size. Covering the pot. The difference between boiling and simmering – and how long it takes an electric stove to change temperature.

The other thing, though? (And really the reason I put the video up.) When you know how to boil water, you can cook. Lots of things need a pot, and water. Tea. Coffee. Pasta. Rice. Mashed potatoes (!!!). Poached fish or chicken. Vegetables. Hard boiled egg. Oatmeal. Heating up soup from a can or box.

If you know how to boil water, you are well on your way to cooking.

So, “Can you cook?”

“You bet! I can boil water!”

Badass is in the small things.