Post-funk Thanksgiving


Spring morning sky. I can be wistful, right?

6:15 am on December 2. It’s still dark outside. I’ve been up since 5:25, and sweat is dripping into my eyes as I type this.

The funk I was in after everyone left for Thanksgiving has largely lifted, and I have a couple of people to thank for helping me out of it. A good friend from college days called and left a message on my phone, letting me know it was okay to get ONE thing done – and this sound advice let me focus on one thing at a time. Getting that one thing done let me feel good enough to get in a workout – which only helped my mood improve.

Another friend sent me a text message later that night, after she had seen the blog post. It’s a nice thing when people reach out – it helps us all realize we are linked in so many ways.

Back to badass!