Pre-Thanksgiving grumbles
Last year, the kids had 10 (I think) snow days, making the school year extend into the middle of June. Of these days, three were worth closing school for. Every other day was a rain event (or absolutely no precipitation.) Grumbles abounded, though the kids loved it (until June, when they had to stay in school and watch endless movies.) Yesterday, there was talk of a major storm approaching. Snow plows readied; some locales spread salt on the roads as a precaution.
Every single weather forecast I looked at called for a low of 34 overnight, with rain starting at about 8 am.
Still, Albemarle County is large and spread out, with geography ranging from almost flat to the foothills of the Blue Ridge. Buses snake their way on back country roads shaded by so much overhang that some parts never get any sunshine; young teen drivers take themselves and siblings to school. Caution is warranted.
At 6 am, my phone rang.
No school due to forecast weather event.
Rain didn’t start until 9 am, and then it was sprinkles. It never went below 38 degrees all day.
Much sleep happened. Kids watched some TV, hung out with friends. I’ve brined turkeys, made a chocolate pecan pie, made the squash. Mom has wild rice stuffing on the stove.
There’s nothing really wrong with how the day went, only that it feels like a day we’ll pay for in June.
I need to practice my gratitude. Grr. Why is that so hard?