

I wake up this morning, in a warm house, with family sleeping upstairs and in the guest room next to me. My coffee is fragrant and hot. The dogs have been out, come in for their biscuits, wagged tails, and curled up on the couch with grunts.

My son, 14, is still young enough to want to go all out decorating the house for Halloween; zombie heads and gravestones mingle with swinging grim reapers by the front door.

My routine this morning has been disrupted by our guest, whose sleeping quarters are too close to my usual workout space for me to feel comfortable getting up and sweaty at 5. At least that was my excuse, when I reset my alarm for 6:30 and rolled back over to sleep – “not fair to wake him up.”

In reality, though, what it gave me was time to be grateful. Grateful for the flexibility in my life that means my workout will still happen. Grateful for the love and warmth and relative ease with which we are able to go through our lives.

Life is good. Hope yours is too.