It’s the classic "angel on one shoulder, devil on the other" scenario.
5:04 am. The ring tone I thought was amusing when I picked it out goes off. I successfully hit the snooze button. (incidentally, this is not easy to do when you’re not very awake.)
Angel: Get up! Ready for some Shaun T? Yay! Way to start your day.
Devil: Roll over. You’re so tired.
A: Rah Rah! Go!
D: You could work out at 6. What’s this 5 am thing all about?
A: You feel great when you stick to your routine. Get up!
D: You are going walking with a friend later. That counts, right?
A: It’s raining. Get in your workout now, and if you get to walk, it’s like a stretch.
D: You’re tired. How about doing the workout this afternoon?
A: You’re already awake, basically. Swing your legs over the bed and let’s get this thing on the road!
D: (interrupted, drowned out, by the sound of rustling covers and steps to the bathroom.) Foiled again.
A: Nanny nanny boo boo.
Sometimes just knowing which voice to listen to can make you feel like a badass.