Last Friday Night

January 6, 2012 Okay, not really "last" Friday night. I just have been playing a certain newly acquired album over and over again. Anyone care to guess? (hint - related to tv) And I am sitting here, half watching a movie (Stardust) with the kids and doing my best to resist another glass of wine.

Core synergystics (a workout in the "recovery" weeks of P90X - "recovery" is another one of those tell-you-later stories) was a total blast today. Tricia, a friend and fellow Beachbody coach, came over and we moved furniture and rolled around and did strange pushup versions until we both were sweaty and laughing. It is amazing how fast the workout goes when you have someone to talk to through it.

But that's not really the point of this blog post.

Another friend, this one I "met" through my friend, coach, and sponsor Wendy, asked the question once, "Is this really better than a gym?" I've been pondering this question more and more, especially as we are bombarded here by "news" about gyms being busy and logging new members, and that come March, there won't be so many people working out.

I used to belong to a gym here, and I loved it. I did. I swam 3 mornings a week before work, and lifted or whatever the other days. It was fabulous.

I lasted about 5 months.

My intentions were so good that I kept the membership on "inactive" status even while we were sailing, though I never really went back. It's downtown, I'm no longer "working", my schedule (based on when the kids need a chauffeur) is no longer conducive to  being there in the mornings.

So when my friend asked the question, and Wendy answered with all her sage advice, my thought went to consistency. Yes, for about 5 months I was as consistent as the tides. And then it was like I lived on Mars, for all the water moved.

I realized that, since April 14 (I think that's right), I've missed about a total of 4 days, in between programs. The only other days off I've had are planned "rest" days. My math may really stink, but that's a whole heck of a lot longer than 5 months.

The simplicity of being able to do it in my living room, with no travel included, plus a "proscribed" routine, plus the (absolutely critical) support and encouragement from my coach and other challenge group members - it obviously works for me.  For the cost of a month at the gym, I have a 90 day program (or part of one, depending) that's mine forever.

I'm putting together a challenge group of my own starting February 1. Anyone who wants to join me, please send me a mail ( and I'll get you all set.

I've posted a "before" pic on my bb profile . . . Sunday I take 60 day progress pics.

Stay warm, or cool, or just whatever,



PS. I'm attempting to add links on the sidebar to the places where I volunteer . . . check them out!