Fitness On Board - YES YOU CAN!
It all started when...
I realized there are a lot of women out there who are preparing to head off cruising, and there are a ton of questions related to wellness (fitness and food) on board. It's easy to sit where I do, 2 successful cruises under my belt, and forget about the very real worries and challenges ahead.
Everyone knows you need to get the boat ready to go.
What about getting YOU ready?
Fitness on board poses special challenges. Space is often limited, both for the exercise itself and the gear you might need. If you're on passage, the movement of the boat makes balance tough. Working out on deck when people are down below will give new meaning to the term "herd of galloping elephants."
Fitness is way more than muscles, and it has nothing to do with what size jeans you wear. When I am fit, I can haul sails. Balance myself on the deck of a heeling boat. Go digging in impossibly small lockers to find that elusive can of tomatoes. When I am fit, I can stand night watches of 3 hours, night after night.
Most of my tools are DVD-based workouts like Insanity and P90X, 21 Day Fix and Hammer and Chisel. I can do them at home before I leave to go sailing, and I can do them on board. Do I use them exclusively? No. I've also created personalized workout programs for cruisers. There are times when a set of circuits around the deck, lifting and pushup-ing and core work-ing and high knees is what is called for.
Fitness is not a one-size fits all answer. What's going to work best for you depends on you. Your goals. Your lifestyle. Your reasons for working on your wellness and fitness. Having an accountability partner can make a huge difference in you reaching your goals.
That's where I come in. I'll help you articulate your goals, set reasonable ways to reach them, and cheer you on (sometimes with tough love) along the way.
Sure, you can google and shop Amazon with a one-click, or put together your own routine.
But you won't have me on your foredeck, helping and supporting you all the way.
You CAN fitness singlehanded.
Wouldn't you rather have someone in the boat with you?
Eating is a minefield these days. Everywhere you turn around there's a new diet you're supposed to follow. Paleo. Vegan. Whole30. Ovo-lacto vegetarian. Pescatarian. Purple foods only. Intermittent fasting. Bulletproof everything.
Atkins.Cabbagesoup.Cayennepeppercleanse.Taco.7daystohalfyourweight (okay, I made that last one up.)
It's enough to make you crazy.
The thing is, when you're sailing, a lot of the time you are eating from what you have on board. You aren't close enough to a grocery store to run in for that one ingredient you need. Or it's raining. Or the dinghy engine is in 100 pieces on the cockpit floor. Or you're out of money for the month.
How do you eat on board? Simple, really. You learn to cook by the seat of your pants. You learn what you like, and you stock what you like so you always have it on hand. You get really good at substituting. You learn to revel in the adventure and treasure hunt that is the local grocery store.
My weekly food videos are all about teaching you to think simple and possible. Stay tuned for a 10-module "learn to cook" course that is based on templates, coming in early 2018 if not before. (want to be first to hear about it? Click here to be added to the list!) I don't believe in diets. I believe in EATING. Find a way of healthy eating that fits your lifestyle. It's hard to "cheat" on your lifestyle, and way more enjoyable. Why eat in a way that you can't wait to be done with?
One of the things I've learned over the years is that portion control is key. Get yourself into the habit before you head off to sea, and those habits will stay with you. The 21 Day Fix food plan is pretty brilliant at teaching this concept. You learn about ratios and kinds of foods to eat in what proportions, and you get a very solid understanding of portions. Do you NEED the Fix to learn to eat well? No. But for most people, it's a fabulous tool. When I go sailing, I want the right sails for my boat. Building wellness? That's a great sail for the boat of you.
Sometimes, when you're sailing and not able to get to fresh food as often as you like, vitamins and nutrients get a little on the thin side. About the only non-homemade food I ingest on a regular basis is Shakeology. This nutrition-dense shake has been a part of my daily routine for the past 4 years. I drink it for the deliciousness. For the easy breakfast. For the energy and sense of well-being. For my better sleep. For my (ahem) regularity. My husband pointed out the other day that I haven't really been sick in 3 years.* Is it the magic pill for everything? No. Nothing is. Is it a critical part of my overall nutrition? Absolutely. And I will definitely have it with me when we set off again.
*Shakeology has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Sometimes you have bagels.
Sometimes you have salad.
Sometimes you have Shakeology!