Working Out On Board: a Resistance Band Workout Created for Women Who Sail
Space on board is often at a premium, no matter the boat size. Taking weights, even these cool dial-a-weights*, might not be feasible. So what's a resistance-loving sailor to do?
Resistance bands.
Loop ones. Tubular ones. Flat ones. Anything stretchy that you can keep stretching and work against. Got a bungee cord? That'll do in a pinch! (Just check it first, please, to make sure it won't snap or break in the middle of a great pull.)
Note: I strongly suggest taking a yoga mat with you as it helps define space, remind you of what you're doing, and it also helps with grip on your feet.
IMPORTANT: Use of this workout is at your own risk, as you are the only one who knows your limitations and your abilities. Listen to your body and use proper form at all times.
1) ALWAYS check your band (or other equipment) to make sure it’s in good working order, with no rips, tears, or problems.
2) Proper form is key. Make sure when you squat that your knees stay BEHIND your toes and your back is upright. Plank? Line up your shoulders, elbows, and wrists, and try for a straight line from your neck to your butt to your ankles. Lunge? Again, knee BEHIND the toes. Ideally you’re going for a separate enough stance that you can get both knees to 90 degrees, but your knees might need some work to get to that point.
3) General method for increasing difficulty. FORM FIRST, every time. Having trouble keeping form when you go deeper or faster? Back off until form is perfect, then you can ramp it up again. Proper form ALWAYS and first. When you can do that consistently, then you can go deeper into the exercise. When you can have proper form AND go deep, THEN you can speed up.
SQUAT FORM: knees BEHIND toes. BEHIND them. Did I mention BEHIND them?
Lunge form: Knees BEHIND toes. BEHIND them. Are you sensing a theme?
Plank form: Shoulders, elbows, and wrists in line. Please. In line.
10 exercises. Do each one for 30 seconds, then move to the next. Repeat the 10-exercise workout 3-5 times. If you need to, you can break it into 2 separate 5-exercise workouts. Do them in order!
Stretch first and then after. Stretching first (best is some light cardio, like 3 minutes of high knee stepping or easy jogging or cycling) is to warm up the muscles, getting the blood flowing and the cenovial fluid (in joints) moving. Stretching after is where you can actually stretch and ask the muscles to go further.
Squat with overhead press (with the band. under both feet if the band is long enough)
Leg lifts with band tied around legs, keeping legs apart. Bring legs down only as far as you can keep your lower back on the floor. Keep tension on the band.
Plank (no band involved. Just a good old fashioned plank hold!)
Lunge with a twist (band under the front foot, ends in both hands. Rainbow arc twist to each side.)
Punches (Jab/cross) with the band around your back and ends in each hand. Twist the torso as you punch the air.
Curtsey lunges with the band around both legs. One foot facing front, other one dips behind, body in line with forward facing foot.
Lat pull down (or pull-up). No space for a band to tie up high? Do a bent over row with the band choked up on.
Bicycles. No band involved. Just on your back, sitting position, with legs cycling away on an air bike.
Plank with row. Anchor the band under one hand, then in plank position row (pull band back toward your shoulder). Yes this is a balance move.
Alice in Wonderland with band tied around legs. Squat low. Stay low. Move laterally. Keep tension on the band.
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Want more exercises to do on board, or talk to me about a great video workout program choice for you? Contact me and let's talk!