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Twofer Tasty Thursday - Broiled peaches AND dumpling dipping sauce!

Sometimes life gets in the way of posting these videos onto my blog, a fact I'm working to address. You deserve to get these in your inbox every week same as the people who subscribe on YouTube!

Both of these are (as usual) easy, delicious, slightly different, and designed to make you think, "Oh, I can TOTALLY make this myself!" Let me know if you agree!

Broiled peaches are so crazy easy and delicious! Try this simple dessert today!

4 fresh peaches
1/4 c brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger (ground)

1. Mix sugar and spices together in a small bowl.
2. Halve peaches and remove pits, then place on a rimmed baking sheet, cut side up
3. Sprinkle evenly with topping
4. Broil under broiler, about 4 inches from the heat, for 4-5 minutes or until the topping is caramelized and bubbling and a dark brown.
5. Eat as is, or for a swoon-worthy dessert top with vanilla ice cream!

Dumplings are a cornerstone of nibble dinners in this house. I keep a bag in the freezer (when I don't feel like making my own), and throwing together this sauce is one way of keeping the "homemade" in the meal.

1.5 tsp sesame oil
2 cloves garlic
1 green onion
1 TBS brown sugar
2 TBS red wine vinegar
3 TBS soy sauce
4 TBS water
1 good squirt siracha sauce!

1. combine oil, garlic, and green onion in a small saucepan, then heat until it's starting to smell good and sizzle
2. Combine the rest of the ingredients in a small bowl, then add to the pan.
3. Simmer for 3-4 minutes.
4. Enjoy!