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6:21 am and my workout is done. Sleep was better last night – our 15 year old dog has nighttime habits that rival the kids when they were newborns, which is fine on the one hand (love that she’s still aroud) and not on the other (I am now 12 years older than the last time I had a newborn!) – but that alarm still comes early.

No matter. I got up, popped in the DVD, and got my sweat on.

Feeling good right now. The stuff I’m reading and listening to is whirring my brain in all kinds of good ways, and the work I am doing feels solid and purposeful. I’m learning to chunk bits at a time, to not be overwhelmed by all that there is to do. One or two things on my list a day will move me forward far faster than paralysis and fear of swallowing the whole thing at once.

Being a badass is a work in progress. Today, I’m moving forward with it!