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Hurricane Food - a Tasty Thursday video

Hurricanes are not my favorite weather events, if you want to know the truth. As sailors, we spend a crazy amount of time weather plotting and gathering even in the “off” season; that time is doubled during hurricane season.

That climate change has the idea of hurricane “season” a debatable concept is a bit beside the point.

When we left Texas on Calypso in 1994, bound for the Caribbean via the gulf coast and the Bahamas, it was on the heels of Andrew, which decimated south Florida in August of 1992. 1995 was a record year for hurricanes in the Caribbean, at least a record until 2017.

And right now, in 2018, the National Hurricane Center shows 5 storms spinning in the Atlantic. We’re hunkered down for Florence and watching as she sets her course for North Carolina and points south.

Hello, Florence.

Hurricane prep on a boat involves things like stripping sails and external projectiles, and checking dock lines or anchor gear or hauling out. The food thing, though? That’s just as important, and it’s often overlooked when working on storm preparation.

Two things to keep in mind, as mentioned in the video (which also has bonus footage of us actually prepping the BOAT for the storm): think about drink, and what if you lose power. Sure, healthy is good; but if it’s a choice between slightly junky food or going hungry, opt for the junk. You have to be alive to make healthy choices down the line.

Stay safe, everyone!